What Shipping Methods Are Available?
We use DPD local as a shipping option.

Do You Ship Internationally?
As for now we don’t, we are looking into the option to ship internationally.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?
Normal delivery times is 1-4 working days. It depends on the workloads of DPD.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
We accept Visa and Mastercard as payments.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?
Yes it is, we use Trust Payments as a payments provider and all of your informations sits securely on their side.

Orders & Returns
How do I place an Order?
Its very easy! Just add the products you want to the basket and then click on the “go to checkout” button. There you can put in you personal information. And follow the steps.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?
Just send us a message on Facebook or on customer@norsevape.com and we will process you request.

Do I need an account to place an order?
Yes, you will be able to create an account in the checkout.

How Do I Track My Order?
You will get a text as soon as the package is sent. You can track it trough there.

How Can I Return a Product?
Just contact us and we will give you the correct way to return your item.